10 Februari 2011

One day I was setting in the local library, I started to read a medical encyclopedia that was lying on the table in front of me. The first illness I read about was cholera. As I read the list of symptoms, it occurred to me that perhaps I had cholera myself. I sat for a while, too frightened to move.
Then, in a kind of dream, I started to turn the pages of the book again. I came to malaria. Yes, there was no doubt about it – I had malaria too. And I certainly had hepatitis. And yellow fever. And so it went on. I read through the whole book, and by the end I came to the conclusion that I had every illness. There was only one illness I didn’t have – and that was housemaid’s knee.
I sat and thought, and I became more and more worried. I wondered how long I had to live. I examined myself. I felt my pulse. At first, I couldn’t find it at all; then, suddenly it seems start off. I looked at my watch to time it – it was beating 147 times a minute. I tried to feel my heart. I couldn’t feel it. It wasn’t beating. I stuck my tongue out and tried to look at it. I could only see the end of it, but from that I was even more certain than before that I had yellow fever.
I went straight to my doctor, who was a good friend of mine. “What’s the matter with you?” he asked. “I have every illness in the medical encyclopedia.” I told him how I read the medical encyclopedia. Then he opened my mouth and looked at my tongue, and he felt mu pulse, and he listened to my heart. Then he sat down and wrote a prescription. It said:
Benar iman dalam Islam
The pillars of the faith of Islam can be compared to the concept of a Statement of Faith, or Articles of faith. These are Islamic concepts of essentials of the faith. Pilar iman Islam dapat dibandingkan dengan konsep Pernyataan Iman, atau Anggaran iman. Ini adalah konsep-konsep Islam dari esensi iman.
1. Allah Allah
1. Allah is the supreme being of all. Allah adalah yang tertinggi dari semua. He is uncreated, the creator of all, without beginning or end. Dia tidak diciptakan, pencipta semua, tanpa awal atau akhir. He is completely sufficient to himself and needs no other. Dia benar-benar cukup untuk dirinya sendiri dan tidak perlu lainnya. He does not have offspring nor a spouse. Dia tidak memiliki anak atau pasangan. He knows all things, is everywhere, and is all powerful. Dia tahu segala sesuatu, di mana-mana, dan semua kuat. He hears all prayers. Dia mendengar semua doa. Everything that occurs, does so by his permission. Segala sesuatu yang terjadi, tidak demikian dengan izin-Nya.
2. His Angels Malaikat-Nya
1. Angels reside in the unseen world and carry out the commands of Allah. Malaikat berada di dunia gaib dan melaksanakan perintah Allah. They cannot sin. Mereka tidak dapat dosa. Muhammad stated that it was the angel Gabriel that brought the message of the Koran to him. Muhammad menyatakan bahwa itu adalah malaikat Jibril yang membawa pesan dari Quran kepadanya.
3. His Messengers Rasul-Nya
1. People who have been sent from Allah to a particular group of people for the purpose of giving to them the message revealed by Allah. Orang-orang yang telah dikirim dari Allah untuk kelompok orang tertentu untuk tujuan memberikan kepada mereka pesan diwahyukan Allah. Some of them are Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, and, of course, Muhammad. Beberapa dari mereka adalah Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Daud, Yesus, dan, tentu saja, Muhammad. Islam teaches that all messengers previous to Muhammad were sent to limited people groups where Muhammad was sent to all people. Islam mengajarkan bahwa semua utusan sebelum Muhammad telah dikirim ke kelompok orang yang terbatas di mana Muhammad telah dikirim ke semua orang.
4. His Books Buku-Nya
1. Islam recognizes many sacred scriptures that have been given by Allah throughout history. Islam mengakui banyak kitab suci yang telah diberikan oleh Allah sepanjang sejarah. However, Muslims claim that only the Quran is trustworthy and that the other scriptures have been compromised because we do not posses their original manuscripts. Namun, umat Islam mengklaim bahwa hanya Quran adalah dapat dipercaya dan bahwa tulisan suci lain telah dikompromikan karena kita tidak memiliki naskah aslinya. They assert that the accounts of the Bible were written down hundreds of years later and cannot be considered inerrant, and they were written in ancient languages which have been lost. Mereka menyatakan bahwa akun Alkitab itu ditulis ratusan tahun kemudian dan tidak dapat dianggap mungkin-salah, dan mereka ditulis dalam bahasa kuno yang telah hilang. Therefore, exact translations are not possible. Oleh karena itu, terjemahan yang tepat tidak mungkin. Nevertheless, the scriptures recognized in Islam are: Namun demikian, tulisan suci yang diakui dalam Islam adalah:
1. The Koran - The Koran (Qur'an) is the inspired word of Allah given to people through the Prophet Muhammad and it supercedes all other scriptures before it. Al Qur'an - Al Qur'an (Al Qur'an) adalah kata yang diilhamkan Allah yang diberikan kepada masyarakat melalui Nabi Muhammad dan semua kitab-kitab lain supercedes sebelumnya. It alone is inerrant and trustworthy as a revelation for today. Itu saja mungkin-salah dan dapat dipercaya sebagai wahyu untuk hari ini. It is unchanged from the beginning. Hal ini tidak berubah dari awal.
2. The Torah -the first five books of Moses. Taurat-yang pertama lima buku Musa.
3. The Injil - the gospel message of Jesus in the New Testament Injil - pesan Injil Yesus dalam Perjanjian Baru
4. The Psalms - the sacred writings given to David. Mazmur - tulisan-tulisan suci yang diberikan kepada Daud.
5. The Last Day Hari Terakhir
1. There is a future day in which this world and its governments and systems will come to end and all people will face judgment based upon their deeds. Ada hari masa depan di mana dunia ini dan pemerintah dan sistem akan berakhir dan semua orang akan menghadapi penghakiman berdasarkan perbuatan mereka. Muslims go to paradise and non-Muslims go to hell. Muslim pergi ke surga dan non-Muslim masuk neraka.
6. Divine Preordainments good or bad Ilahi Preordainments baik atau buruk
1. In Islam, Allah is completely control of all things and ordains all things that occur. Dalam Islam, Allah adalah kontrol sepenuhnya atas segala sesuatu dan mentahbiskan segala sesuatu yang terjadi.
Mensetup Bios
Nyalakan PC dan dengan beberapa langkah lagi PC pun siap Anda nikmati.
PC memang telah selesai Anda rakit, tapi perlu beberapa pengesetan lagi sebelum bisa Anda pakai. Dan kali ini singkirkan deh obeng dan peralatan lainnya.
Yang Anda perlukan cuma tak-tik pada kibor atau klak-klik dengan mouse saja, karena Anda tinggal mengeset BIOS dan menginstal sistem operasi saja. Pada praktik ini kami menggunakan sistem operasi Windows XP Profesional (Original).
O ya, jika Anda menemukan masalah, jangan buru-buru panik. Anda bisa melihat berbagai kemungkinan penyebab dan solusinya pada bagian troubleshooting di akhir laporan ini. DANDY DERRY | @DIT
Hubungkan monitor, kibor, mouse dan peranti lainnya pada PC. Jangan lupa tancapkan kabel power ke port power di belakang PC. Sesudah itu, tekan tombol power pada PC dan monitor untuk menghidupkan komputer rakitan Anda. PC segera melakukan proses booting.

Segeralah menekan tombol [Delete] pada kibor untuk masuk ke menu BIOS/CMOS Setup.

Anda akan masuk BIOS. Pada workshop ini, motherboard yang kami gunakan menggunakan AwardBIOS. Jadi langkah-langkah berikut ini disusun berdasarkan AwardBIOS. Pengaturan untuk jenis BIOS lainnya kurang lebih sama saja kok. Nah, hal pertama yang harus Anda lakukan adalah mengeset waktu yang akan digunakan oleh sistem komputer. Aturlah melalui menu [Main] [System Time]. Untuk mengubahnya, gunakan tombol [+], [-] dan tombol [Tab] pada kibor Anda

Selanjutnya, dengan cara yang sama, ubahlah tanggal pada sistem komputer Anda melalui menu [System Date].

Setelah mengeset waktu dan tanggal dari sistem, jika mau, Anda juga dapat memasang password BIOS agar orang lain tidak dapat mengubah setelan BIOS yang Anda buat. Caranya, pilih menu [Supervisor Password], lalu tekan tombol [+] pada kibor. Selanjutnya, masukkan password Anda pada boks Enter Password, lalu klik [Enter]. Masukkan kembali password Anda pada boks Confirm Password, kemudian kembali klik [Enter]. Nah, sekarang status opsi Supervisor Password pasti menjadi Enabled.

Bila PC Anda akan dipakai beramai-ramai, Anda juga bisa mengeset user password untuk masing-masing pengguna. Manfaatkan saja menu [User Password]. Cara mengesetnya sama saja kok dengan pengaturan pada supervisor password.

Sekarang bukalah menu [Advanced] dengan menekan tombol [‡] (arah panah ke kanan) pada kibor Anda, lalu pilih [I/O Device Configuration] kemudian [Enter].

Di sini Anda dapat mengatur penggunaan fitur onboard pada motherboard Anda. Misalnya, bila Anda menggunakan kartu suara dan modem yang bukan on-board, ubahlah opsi [Onboard AC97 Audio Controller] dan [Onboard AC97 Modem Controller] menjadi [Disabled] dengan menekan tombol [+] pada kibor Anda. Selanjutnya klik [Esc] untuk kembali ke menu [Advanced].

Sekarang pilih opsi [PCI Configuration] lalu tekan [Enter]. Kemudian agar slot USB Anda berfungsi set opsi [USB Function] menjadi [Enabled]. Jika belum, Anda bisa mengubahnya dengan menekan tombol [+]. Jika sudah, kembali ke menu [Advanced] dengan menekan tombol [Esc].

Selanjutnya Anda dapat mengubah manajemen penggunaan listrik dari komputer melalui menu [Power] dengan menekan tombol [‡]. Namun untuk mudahnya, tak usah mengubah hal apa pun dalam pengaturan ini.

Selanjutnya buka menu [Boot]. Nah, untuk memudahkan penginstalan sistem operasi yang akan dilakukan setelah ini, ubahlah pola boot dari PC. Set CD ROM sebagai boot device pertama, kemudian hard disk sebagai boot device ke dua dan floopy boot device ke tiga, dengan menggunakan tombol [+] atau [-]. Gunanya, agar tiap kali booting, komputer mencari adanya sistem operasi di CD-ROM dulu, baru kemudian hard disk, dan floopy.

Masukkan CD instalasi Windows XP ke CD-ROM drive. Setelah itu, pilih menu [Exit] [Exit Saving Changes] untuk keluar dari BIOS dan menyimpan pengaturan yang Anda buat barusan. Selanjutnya komputer akan restart. Dan jika Anda tadi mengaktifkan user password, maka akan muncul bok password. Isi password tersebut agar komputer dapat melanjutkan proses booting.

how to make orange juice

How to Make Orange Tea
Ingredients: 1 orange, sweet tea, soda drink (use uncoloured soda), and ice.
Utensils: Jug, knife, spoon, and drinking glass.
1. Cut the orange into circle shapes, try to cut it thinly.
2. Put the cut orange and ice into jug.
3. Pour the soda drink into the jug.
4. Add the already prepared sweet tea.
5. Stir the ingredients in the jug well.
6. After pouring the orange tea in a glass, you can decorate the brim of the glass with left over orange pieces.

snow white

Little Snow-White
Germany, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Once upon a time in mid winter, when the snowflakes were falling like feathers from heaven, a beautiful queen sat sewing at her window, which had a frame of black ebony wood. As she sewed, she looked up at the snow and pricked her finger with her needle. Three drops of blood fell into the snow. The red on the white looked so beautiful, that she thought, “If only I had a child as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as this frame.” Soon afterward she had a little daughter that was as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as ebony wood, and therefore they called her Little Snow-White.
Now the queen was the most beautiful woman in all the land, and very proud of her beauty. She had a mirror, which she stood in front of every morning, and asked:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?
And the mirror always said:
You, my queen, are fairest of all.
And then she knew for certain that no one in the world was more beautiful than she.
Now Snow-White grew up, and when she was seven years old, she was so beautiful, that she surpassed even the queen herself. Now when the queen asked her mirror:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?
The mirror said:
You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But Little Snow-White is still
A thousand times fairer than you.
When the queen heard the mirror say this, she became pale with envy, and from that hour on, she hated Snow-White. Whenever she looked at her, she thought that Snow-White was to blame that she was no longer the most beautiful woman in the world. This turned her heart around. Her jealousy gave her no peace. Finally she summoned a huntsman and said to him, “Take Snow-White out into the woods to a remote spot, and stab her to death. As proof that she is dead bring her lungs and her liver back to me. I shall cook them with salt and eat them.”
The huntsman took Snow-White into the woods. When he took out his hunting knife to stab her, she began to cry, and begged fervently that he might spare her life, promising to run away into the woods and never return. The huntsman took pity on her because she was so beautiful, and he thought, “The wild animals will soon devour her anyway. I’m glad that I don’t have to kill her.” Just then a young boar came running by. He killed it, cut out its lungs and liver, and took them back to the queen as proof of Snow-White’s death. She cooked them with salt and ate them, supposing that she had eaten Snow-White’s lungs and liver.
Snow-White was now all alone in the great forest. She was terribly afraid, and began to run. She ran over sharp stones and through thorns the entire day. Finally, just as the sun was about to set, she came to a little house. The house belonged to seven dwarfs. They were working in a mine, and not at home. Snow-White went inside and found everything to be small, but neat and orderly. There was a little table with seven little plates, seven little spoons, seven little knives and forks, seven little mugs, and against the wall there were seven little beds, all freshly made.
Snow-White was hungry and thirsty, so she ate a few vegetables and a little bread from each little plate, and from each little glass she drank a drop of wine. Because she was so tired, she wanted to lie down and go to sleep. She tried each of the seven little beds, one after the other, but none felt right until she came to the seventh one, and she lay down in it and fell asleep.
When night came, the seven dwarfs returned home from the work. They lit their seven little candles, and saw that someone had been in their house.
The first one said, “Who has been sitting in my chair?”
The second one, “Who has been eating from my plate?”
The third one, “Who has been eating my bread?”
The fourth one, “Who has been eating my vegetables?”
The fifth one, “Who has been sticking with my fork?”
The sixth one, “Who has been cutting with my knife?”
The seventh one, “Who has been drinking from my mug?”
Then the first one said, “Who stepped on my bed?”
The second one, “And someone has been lying in my bed.”
And so forth until the seventh one, and when he looked at his bed, he found Snow-White lying there, fast asleep. The seven dwarfs all came running, and they cried out with amazement. They fetched their seven candles and looked at Snow-White. “Good heaven! Good heaven!” they cried. “She is so beautiful!” They liked her very much. They did not wake her up, but let her lie there in the bed. The seventh dwarf had to sleep with his companions, one hour with each one, and then the night was done.
When Snow-White woke up, they asked her who she was and how she had found her way to their house. She told them how her mother had tried to kill her, how the huntsman had spared her life, how she had run the entire day, finally coming to their house. The dwarfs pitied her and said, “If you will keep house for us, and cook, sew, make beds, wash, and knit, and keep everything clean and orderly, then you can stay here, and you’ll have everything that you want. We come home in the evening, and supper must be ready by then, but we spend the days digging for gold in the mine. You will be alone then. Watch out for the queen, and do not let anyone in.”
The queen thought that she was again the most beautiful woman in the land, and the next morning she stepped before the mirror and asked:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?
The mirror answered once again:
You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But Little Snow-White beyond the seven mountains
Is a thousand times fairer than you.
It startled the queen to hear this, and she knew that she had been deceived, that the huntsman had not killed Snow-White. Because only the seven dwarfs lived in the seven mountains, she knew at once that they must have rescued her. She began to plan immediately how she might kill her, because she would have no peace until the mirror once again said that she was the most beautiful woman in the land. At last she thought of something to do. She disguised herself as an old peddler woman and colored her face, so that no one would recognize her, and went to the dwarf’s house. Knocking on the door she called out, “Open up. Open up. I’m the old peddler woman with good wares for sale.”
Snow-White peered out the window, “What do you have?”
“Bodice laces, dear child,” said the old woman, and held one up. It was braided from yellow, red, and blue silk. “Would you like this one?”
“Oh, yes,” said Snow-White, thinking, “I can let the old woman come in. She means well.” She unbolted the door and bargained for the bodice laces.
“You are not laced up properly,” said the old woman. “Come here, I’ll do it better.” Snow-White stood before her, and she took hold of the laces and pulled them so tight that Snow-White could not breathe, and she fell down as if she were dead. Then the old woman was satisfied, and she went away.
Nightfall soon came, and the seven dwarfs returned home. They were horrified to find their dear Snow-White lying on the ground as if she were dead. They lifted her up and saw that she was laced up too tightly. They cut the bodice laces in two, and then she could breathe, and she came back to life. “It must have been the queen who tried to kill you,” they said. “Take care and do not let anyone in again.”
The queen asked her mirror:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?
The mirror answered once again:
You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But Little Snow-White with the seven dwarfs
Is a thousand times fairer than you.
She was so horrified that the blood all ran to her heart, because she knew that Snow-White had come back to life. Then for an entire day and a night she planned how she might catch her. She made a poisoned comb, disguised herself differently, and went out again. She knocked on the door, but Snow-White called out, “I am not allowed to let anyone in.”
Then she pulled out the comb, and when Snow-White saw how it glistened, and noted that the woman was a complete stranger, she opened the door, and bought the comb from her. “Come, let me comb your hair,” said the peddler woman. She had barely stuck the comb into Snow-White’s hair, before the girl fell down and was dead. “That will keep you lying there,” said the queen. And she went home with a light heart.
The dwarfs came home just in time. They saw what had happened and pulled the poisoned comb from her hair. Snow-White opened her eyes and came back to life. She promised the dwarfs not to let anyone in again.
The queen stepped before her mirror:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?
The mirror answered:
You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But Little Snow-White with the seven dwarfs
Is a thousand times fairer than you.
When the queen heard this, she shook and trembled with anger, “Snow-White will die, if it costs me my life!” Then she went into her most secret room — no one else was allowed inside — and she made a poisoned, poisoned apple. From the outside it was red and beautiful, and anyone who saw it would want it. Then she disguised herself as a peasant woman, went to the dwarfs’ house and knocked on the door.
Snow-White peeped out and said, “I’m not allowed to let anyone in. The dwarfs have forbidden it most severely.”
“If you don’t want to, I can’t force you,” said the peasant woman. “I am selling these apples, and I will give you one to taste.”
“No, I can’t accept anything. The dwarfs don’t want me to.”
“If you are afraid, then I will cut the apple in two and eat half of it. Here, you eat the half with the beautiful red cheek!” Now the apple had been so artfully made that only the red half was poisoned. When Snow-White saw that the peasant woman was eating part of the apple, her desire for it grew stronger, so she finally let the woman hand her the other half through the window. She bit into it, but she barely had the bite in her mouth when she fell to the ground dead.
The queen was happy, went home, and asked her mirror:

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?
And it answered:
You, my queen, are fairest of all.
“Now I’ll have some peace,” she said, “because once again I’m the most beautiful woman in the land. Snow-White will remain dead this time.”
That evening the dwarfs returned home from the mines. Snow-White was lying on the floor, and she was dead. They loosened her laces and looked in her hair for something poisonous, but nothing helped. They could not bring her back to life. They laid her on a bier, and all seven sat next to her and cried and cried for three days. They were going to bury her, but they saw that she remained fresh. She did not look at all like a dead person, and she still had beautiful red cheeks. They had a glass coffin made for her, and laid her inside, so that she could be seen easily. They wrote her name and her ancestry on it in gold letters, and one of them always stayed at home and kept watch over her.
Snow-White lay there in the coffin a long, long time, and she did not decay. She was still as white as snow and as red as blood, and if she had been able to open her eyes, they still would have been as black as ebony wood. She lay there as if she were asleep.
One day a young prince came to the dwarfs’ house and wanted shelter for the night. When he came into their parlor and saw Snow-White lying there in a glass coffin, illuminated so beautifully by seven little candles, he could not get enough of her beauty. He read the golden inscription and saw that she was the daughter of a king. He asked the dwarfs to sell him the coffin with the dead Snow-White, but they would not do this for any amount of gold. Then he asked them to give her to him, for he could not live without being able to see her, and he would keep her, and honor her as his most cherished thing on earth. Then the dwarfs took pity on him and gave him the coffin.
The prince had it carried to his castle, and had it placed in a room where he sat by it the whole day, never taking his eyes from it. Whenever he had to go out and was unable to see Snow-White, he became sad. And he could not eat a bite, unless the coffin was standing next to him. Now the servants who always had to carry the coffin to and fro became angry about this. One time one of them opened the coffin, lifted Snow-White upright, and said, “We are plagued the whole day long, just because of such a dead girl,” and he hit her in the back with his hand. Then the terrible piece of apple that she had bitten off came out of her throat, and Snow-White came back to life.
She walked up to the prince, who was beside himself with joy to see his beloved Snow-White alive. They sat down together at the table and ate with joy.
Their wedding was set for the next day, and Snow-White’s godless mother was invited as well. That morning she stepped before the mirror and said:

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?
The mirror answered:
You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But the young queen
Is a thousand times fairer than you.
She was horrified to hear this, and so overtaken with fear that she could not say anything. Still, her jealousy drove her to go to the wedding and see the young queen. When she arrived she saw that it was Snow-White. Then they put a pair of iron shoes into the fire until they glowed, and she had to put them on and dance in them. Her feet were terribly burned, and she could not stop until she had danced herself to death.


CVT - Continuously Variable Transmission

1. Teknologi Baru

Cutaway dari Audi CVT menunjukkan katrol variabel-diameter yang menggantikan gearset konvensional
Desain dan memproduksi CVT berdasarkan spesifikasi Anda.
Cara mereka dulu dengan kualitas tinggi dan layanan di seluruh dunia
Industri Gearboxs Kami stok dan perbaikan, David Brown, Radicon, Renold, Holroyd, Guratan Spesifikasi dan Informasi Resmi Datawww.ultimatespecs.com Teknis
Worm, helix / Helical Bevel Gearing Reliability Tak Tertandingi & Seleksi
Apa yang dimaksud dengan transmisi continuously variable?
Sebuah transmisi continuously variable, atau CVT, adalah jenis transmisi otomatis yang memberikan tenaga yang lebih bisa digunakan, ekonomi bahan bakar yang lebih baik dan pengalaman berkendara yang lebih halus daripada otomatis tradisional.
Mengemudi mobil dengan CVT
Kontrol untuk CVT adalah sama sebagai otomatis: pedal Dua (kopling tidak) dan pola pergeseran PRNDL-gaya. Tetapi sementara transmisi otomatis memiliki sejumlah set rasio roda gigi (kecepatan alias), biasanya 4, 5 atau 6, CVT terus-menerus dapat mengubah hubungan kecepatan mesin untuk mempercepat mobil. Ketika mengendarai mobil dengan CVT, Anda tidak pernah mendengar atau merasakan perpindahan transmisi - itu hanya mengangkat dan menurunkan kecepatan mesin yang diperlukan, memanggil kecepatan mesin yang lebih tinggi (atau RPM) untuk percepatan lebih baik dan RPM yang lebih rendah untuk bahan bakar yang lebih baik sementara jelajah .
Banyak orang menemukan CVT membingungkan pada awalnya karena mobil cara dengan suara CVTs. Ketika Anda menginjak pedal gas, ras mesin karena akan dengan kopling tergelincir atau transmisi otomatis gagal. Hal ini normal - CVT adalah menyesuaikan kecepatan mesin untuk memberikan tenaga yang optimal bagi percepatan.
Bagaimana CVT bekerja
transmisi tradisional menggunakan gearset yang menyediakan sejumlah tertentu rasio (atau kecepatan). Transmisi (atau driver) bergeser roda gigi untuk memberikan rasio yang paling tepat untuk situasi tertentu: gigi terendah untuk mulai keluar, gigi tengah untuk percepatan dan lulus, dan gigi yang lebih tinggi untuk bahan bakar-efisien jelajah.
Meskipun ada beberapa jenis CVTs, kebanyakan mobil menggunakan sepasang variabel-diameter puli, masing-masing berbentuk seperti sepasang kerucut menentang, dengan ikat pinggang rantai logam atau berjalan di antara mereka. Satu katrol terhubung ke mesin (poros input), yang lain ke roda penggerak (poros output). Memperdua setiap katrol bergerak, seperti katrol bagian mendekat bersama-sama sabuk dipaksa untuk naik lebih tinggi pada katrol, efektif membuat katrol itu diameter yang lebih besar. Mengubah diameter puli bervariasi rasio transmisi's (jumlah kali poros berputar untuk setiap revolusi mesin), dengan cara yang sama bahwa sebuah rute sepeda 10-kecepatan rantai di atas gigi yang lebih besar atau lebih kecil untuk mengubah rasio. Membuat katrol input dan output yang lebih kecil katrol yang lebih besar memberikan rasio rendah (sejumlah besar revolusi mesin memproduksi sejumlah kecil revolusi output) untuk akselerasi rendah-kecepatan yang lebih baik. Sebagai mobil mempercepat, katrol bervariasi diameter mereka untuk menurunkan kecepatan mesin sebagai kecepatan naik mobil. Ini adalah hal yang sama transmisi otomatis atau manual konvensional, tetapi sementara perubahan transmisi konvensional rasio secara bertahap oleh pergeseran gigi, CVT terus bervariasi rasio - maka namanya.
Keuntungan dari CVT
Mesin tidak mengembangkan daya konstan pada semua kecepatan, mereka memiliki kecepatan tertentu di mana torsi (daya tarik), tenaga kuda (kecepatan daya) atau efisiensi bahan bakar berada pada tingkat tertinggi mereka. Karena tidak ada gigi untuk mengikat kecepatan jalan diberikan langsung ke putaran mesin tertentu, CVT dapat bervariasi kecepatan mesin yang diperlukan untuk mengakses daya maksimum serta efisiensi bahan bakar maksimal. Hal ini memungkinkan untuk menyediakan percepatan CVT lebih cepat dari transmisi otomatis atau manual konvensional sementara memberikan ekonomi bahan bakar yang superior.
Kekurangan dari CVT
Masalahnya CVT terbesar telah penerimaan pengguna. Karena CVT memungkinkan mesin untuk putaran pada kecepatan apa pun, suara-suara yang datang dari bawah tenda suara aneh di telinga terbiasa dengan manual dan transmisi otomatis konvensional. Para bertahap perubahan suara mesin catatan seperti transmisi sliding atau kopling tergelincir - tanda-tanda masalah dengan transmisi konvensional, tapi sangat normal bagi sebuah CVT. Flooring sebuah mobil otomatis membawa kesukaran dan ledakan tiba-tiba kekuasaan, sedangkan CVTs memberikan peningkatan, mulus cepat untuk tenaga maksimum. Untuk beberapa driver ini membuat mobil terasa lambat, padahal CVT yang umumnya akan keluar-mempercepat otomatis.
Mobil sudah berusaha keras untuk membuat CVT merasa lebih seperti transmisi konvensional. Kebanyakan CVTs ditetapkan untuk merayap ke depan ketika sopir mengambil kaki nya dari rem. Ini memberikan rasa mirip dengan otomatis konvensional, dan berfungsi sebagai indikator bahwa mobil di gigi. CVTs lain menawarkan sebuah "manual" Modus yang mensimulasikan perubahan gigi manual.
Karena CVTs otomotif awal terbatas untuk berapa banyak tenaga kuda mereka bisa menangani, telah ada beberapa kekhawatiran tentang kehandalan jangka panjang CVT. Teknologi canggih telah membuat CVT jauh lebih kuat. Nissan memiliki lebih dari satu juta CVTs dalam layanan di seluruh dunia dan menggunakannya di dalam mobil yang kuat seperti Maxima 290 tenaga kuda, dan mengatakan kehandalan jangka panjang mereka adalah sebanding dengan transmisi konvensional.
Sejarah CVT
Leonardo DaVinci membuat sketsa CVT pertama di 1490. DAF mobil Belanda yang pertama mulai menggunakan CVTs di mobil mereka di akhir 1950-an, namun keterbatasan teknologi dibuat CVTs cocok untuk mesin dengan lebih dari sekitar 100 tenaga kuda. Pada akhir 80-an dan awal 90-an, Subaru menawarkan CVT di mobil mini Justy-, sedangkan Honda menggunakan satu dalam jarak tempuh yang tinggi Honda Civic HX dari akhir tahun 90an. Peningkatan CVTs mampu menangani mesin lebih kuat dikembangkan pada akhir tahun 90an dan 2000, dan CVTs sekarang dapat ditemukan di dalam mobil dari Nissan, Audi, Honda, Ford, GM, dan mobil lain.